A Little Prayer Movies 2023, Official Trailer

Watch A Little Prayer Movies 2023, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster & Cast Name

 A Little Prayer Movies 2023, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster & Cast Name

Genre: Drama

Language: English

Director: Angus MacLachlan

Producer: Angus MacLachlan, Lauren Vilchik, Max A. Butler

Writer: Angus MacLachlan

Release date: 

Cast Name: Jane Levy, David Strathairn, Dascha Polanco, Celia Weston, Steve Coulter, Keisha Tillis, Will Pullen, Billie Roy, Ashley Shelton, David Price, Anna Camp

Where to Watch: Nearby Theaters

 A Little Prayer Movies 2023, Official Trailer

 Bill (David Strathairn), a Vietnam veteran who has lived in suburban Winston-Salem, North Carolina, for decades with his wife, Venida (Celia Weston), confronts the limits of patriarchal power while parenting his adult children, both of whom are experiencing personal difficulties. Their son David (Will Pullen), is a PTSD-stricken veteran whom Bill suspects of cheating on his wife Tammy (Jane Levy). Tammy and Bill have a special bond for a father and daughter-in-law and appear to completely understand each other, so when he believes his son has strayed, he is at a loss for how to proceed. Meanwhile Patti (Anna Camp), their wilder child, unexpectedly arrives with their granddaughter Hadley (Billie Roy), having left her opioid-addicted husband Cassius for the third time. Bill’s every thought is consumed by worries about these three adult children. The heartbreak he so desperately wants to spare them from is something he struggles with, as does how to best support them in their challenges. He attempts to maintain his composure in the face of chaos and eventually discovers the limits of patriarchal interference, for better or worse.


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