Divorce Bait Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster

Watch Divorce Bait Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster & Cast Name

 Divorce Bait Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster & Cast Name

Genre: Romance, Comedy

Language: English

Director: Patrick Perez Vidaurri

Producer: Cristina Nava

Writer: Ruben Islas, Cristina Nava, Christina Urias

Release date: December 9, 2022

Cast Name: Vannessa VasquezJustin Berti, Erik Fellows, Jennifer Daley, Greg Roman, Alex Borbon

Where to Watch: Nearby Theaters

 Divorce Bait Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster

 Alexis Laguna (Vannessa Vasquez) is a happily re-married, suburban housewife. But when she finds out that her friends are divorcing, and have begun to date others within their circle, she starts to spiral. Who can she trust? Alexis comes up with a plan. She announces on social media that she and Marco (Justin Berti) are getting a divorce to see which of her friends will try to steal her husband. Meanwhile, an old flame comes back into her life as she returns to her former career as a hand model. Now Alexis must learn the true meaning of trust, or fail at yet another marriage.

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