North Terminal Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster

Watch North Terminal Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster & Cast Name

 North Terminal Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster & Cast Name

Genre: Documentary

Language: Spanish, English

Director: Lucrecia Martel

Producer: Rei Cine, Yulia Khvan

Writer: Lucrecia Martel

Release date: 20 July 2022

Cast Name: Julieta Laso, Lorena Carpanchay, Mariana Carrizo, Maka Fuentes, Carrasco Fidela Michu, Miguel Moreyra, Mar Pérez, Bubu Ríos, Noelia Sinkunas, Las Whisky, B. Yami

Where to Watch: In Theatres

 North Terminal Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster

As the Argentinian filmmaker Lucrecia Martel visits her conservative hometown of Salta in the 2020 lockdown, she follows a woman named Julieta Laso who introduces her to a group of female artists and defiant people. What follows next is an interesting exchange of ideas, experiences, and opinions around a fire.

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