Resurrection Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster

Watch Resurrection Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster & Cast Name

 Resurrection Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster & Cast Name

Genre: Mystery & Thriller, Drama

Language: English

Director: Andrew Semans

Producer: Tim Headington, Lia Buman, Tory Lenosky, Alex Scharfman, Drew P. Houpt, Lars Knudsen

Writer: Andrew Semans

Release date: August 5, 2022

Cast Name: Rebecca Hall, Tim Roth, Angela Wong Carbone, Josh Drennen, Rosemary Howard, Winsome Brown, Jaime Zevallos, Michael Esper, Grace Kaufman, Patrick Klein, Colin Bradley Lewis

 Resurrection Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, HD Poster

 Margaret’s life is in order. She is capable, disciplined, and successful. Soon, her teenage daughter, who Margaret raised by herself, will be going off to a fine university, just as Margaret had intended. Everything is under control. That is, until David returns, carrying with him the horrors of Margaret’s past.

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