The Tale of King Crab

Watch The Tale of King Crab Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, Poster & Cast Name

The Tale of King Crab Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date, Poster & Cast Name

Genre: Adventure, Drama

Language: Italian

Director: Matteo Zoppis, Alessio Rigo de Righi

Producer: Tommaso Bertani, Ezequiel Borovinsky, Ezequiel Capaldo, Agustina Costa Varsi, Thomas Ordonneau

Writer: Alessio Rigo de Righi, Matteo Zoppis, Alessio Rigo de Righi, Carlo Lavagna

Release date: 20 April 2022

Cast Name:Gabriele Silli, Maria Alexandra Lungu, Ercole Colnago, Bruno di Giovanni, Giovanni Morichelli, Renato Sterpa, Severino Sperandio, Eccelso Cassanelli, Domenico Chiozzi, Claudio Castori, Ugo Farnetti, Enzo Cucchi, Alessandro Cicoria, Mariano Arce, Darío Levy, Jorge Prado, Daniel Tur, Fernando Almiron

Where to Watch: Nearby Theatres

The Tale of King Crab Movie 2022, Official Trailer, Release Date

The Tale Of King Crab
TheTale Of King Crab

Luciano is a wandering outcast in a remote, late 19th-century Italian village. His life becomes undone by alcohol, forbidden love, and a bitter conflict with the prince of the region over the right of passage through an ancient gateway. When the quarrel escalates, Luciano is exiled to the distant Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego where, with the help of ruthless gold-diggers, he searches for a mythical treasure, paving his way toward redemption. However, in these barren lands, only greed and insanity can prevail.


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